To all my dear friends

Monday, March 07, 2011

What a nice back view!

Isaiah changed from a little block to a big and tall block.....

It's been a while since last time I got to my blogger..... It's Isaiah's birthday again! He is 16 now! I use FB more than blogger now but I think it's time to update my bolgger now becasue it's for my dear friends.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

birthday dinner for Steph. and Harry (30years old)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Monday, July 27, 2009

但是, 這夜景又何以不同於其他國家? 是水 是空氣 是燈光 是車子 是建築物......
我想 是人 是人的呼吸在改變所有的一切!

Taipei, Taiwan
The night is like a drink....
It's the person who taste it can tell the difference....
You just have to visit the city inorder to know the difference!


加入 月薪十萬 玩學台灣



Join me for ezTravel event , travel Taiwan make money.

藍天 白雲 細沙
在國外也看過同樣的畫面, 但是心境卻是大不同.....
台灣 我的故鄉 土地是芬芳的 而 細沙 就像是那記憶枕
當您想哭 想大叫 想自由 想戀愛 想......
台灣 花蓮 海岸線 會讓你 沉醉

Been there? May be in your memory you have lots of pictures
coming up to your mind.
Hua Lien, Taiwan is the place that we are talking about here.
I love to sleep on the sand in Hua Lien, it make me feel like sleep
in my bed at home! "Home", it is my home, Taiwan! It's been so
long since I left.
Finally, I am home, again.

花蓮, 台灣
Hua Lien, Taiwan

台灣花蓮的海岸線......漂亮嗎? 細沙踩在腳下如

同記憶床墊般的舒緩 ,和夏威夷的沙有著大不同的感覺....

因為這兒是台灣 我 可愛的故鄉! 故鄉的土是芬芳的


Hua Lien, Taiwan

Does this picture make you think about Hawaii? When I was

in Hua Lien this summer, I really enjoy a nap under a tree on

the white sand. It make me fee like I was laying on my bed at

home. Oh! Yes.... It's my "Home". My home land, Taiwan.

I was out of my "home" for such long time and finally I am

back home now. I am sinking in the sand and all those memories.

加入競選ezTravel 的月薪十萬玩學台灣之活動!


I just joined an event with ez Travel through out the Sept.

It's all about Taiwan! If you like Taiwan, want to visit Taiwan or want to discover

Taiwan with me, please join me and visit my blogger, I will post one picture about

Taiwan everyday.

How beautiful! If you missed, you have to wait 190 years.....

The Eclips in Taiwan 2009

Duck dinner party in July at 聚豐園

The young tennis star with old tennis pro...

Dinner with good tennis friends at Joyce Cafe....great food and drink.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Famouse stauberry with cream at Wimbledon

A big mall in down town of London....

Just love the buildings in London

Churches everywhere

More fruits!

Nice building!

Went to England in June for Wimbledon.... Those cherries looks so good, it only cost about $54 NTD per pound!