在國外也看過同樣的畫面, 但是心境卻是大不同.....
台灣 我的故鄉 土地是芬芳的 而 細沙 就像是那記憶枕
當您想哭 想大叫 想自由 想戀愛 想......
台灣 花蓮 海岸線 會讓你 沉醉
Been there? May be in your memory you have lots of pictures
coming up to your mind.
Hua Lien, Taiwan is the place that we are talking about here.
I love to sleep on the sand in Hua Lien, it make me feel like sleep
in my bed at home! "Home", it is my home, Taiwan! It's been so
long since I left.
Finally, I am home, again.
Hua Lien, Taiwan
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