To all my dear friends

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Trip to Bali Island on Feb.

Hi all my dear friends, my computer is back!
It's been a long time that since we post our pictures last. I had little problem with my computer the last couple of month. There are so many things and so many pictures that we want to share with all my friends. Isaiah and I will post it on this website from now on. We hope you will like it. Joyce

Me and my mom took a trip to Bali Island, Indonesia right after the Chinese new year this year. It was a great trip. We stayed at Club Med Bali for five days. I made some friends on this trip. They come from different parts of the world. It was a great experence for me. Some of my friends can speak three to five different languages. I think I better start to go back to my Japanese class soon! I hope you will enjoy these pictures. My mom got those pictures from Club Med Bali. It cost her about $2 dollares USD for one picture! Can you believe that?!! Isaiah


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