To all my dear friends

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I won the 1st place on both women single and double divisions.

Isaiah won the 1st place at ACC 2007 Spring club Jr. tennis tournament. He also tried men's A and B divisions but lost in the 1st round.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Oops! We forgot Poke! He was sick for couple of days. He still very small and thing.

This is our 全家福 picture for 2007!

This is Lucky 5 month later! She is a smart and brave dog. She loves to play with other dogs and tennis balls.

Jan. 1, 2007, Isaiah found a new dog on the street near Mu Zha area. He brought it home and gave her a name, Lucky! She is a mud. She is cute isn't it?